Vertical Smoke Tube Boiler


A vertical fire-tube boiler is a vertical boiler where the heating surface is composed of multiple small fire-tubes, arranged vertically. Circulation became efficient and made easy be attachment of getaway tube. Gas, Gasoline and Diesel oil can all be used depending on selection of burners.

Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Product 5 - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Using waste heat generated in the waste incineration, it needs no extra fuel cost. As the smoke tube boiler, it is easy to clean and repair by good design and excellent arrangement of tube. Having 4 cornered arrangements and cleaning space, it is a clean matter to water tube typed 3drum waste heat recovery boiler.

Hot Oil Boiler


Fire Tube is designed as spiral type to cope with thermal expansion which features high safety and high heat absorption rate. Special design and spiral fire tube offers doubled heat transmission coefficient and lower temperature of exhaust gas by 50~80 C then other boilers.

Fire Tube Type Boiler


The rear combustion chamber of wet type has no loss of heat. Its smoke tube is designed as spiral type to comply with thermal expansion, which features high safety and high heat absorption rate. High heat absorption rate per unit area approves it to be a very efficient boiler.

Fire Tube Boiler


It is an innovative boiler using heat transfer fluid to raise high temperature safety with a low pressure in a factory requiring high pressure; it can control temperature precisely with a fully automated system; it can save equipment cost as well as maintenance by achieving maximized productivity from high efficiency, minimizing fuel cast, high safety and semi-permanent life.

Condensing Boiler


Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapor in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporization, which would otherwise have been wasted.